Sunday 7 February 2010

Kill Bill Opening.

Kill Bill is another assassin film of the same genre and has lots of themes and the same level of violence and gore in it's opening as we as a group hope to portray in our opening. The scene is typical for Tarentino with a small variety of shots of different lengths and actions but is straight away making the viewer feel tense and start guessing at what is happening. The character played by Uma Thurman appears to be in a wedding dress and has lots of cuts, grazes and bruises on her face. The close up of her face stays in shot when footsteps are heard and the tension rises as audience start asking who is it and what's goinmg to happen? As you hear the mans voice who talks in a a sadistic way and as he wipes the blood off her face the audience is introduced to his name. The name "Bill" is clearly stitched into the handkerchief and although we know his name we never see his face and this element of retardation is a similar theme to what we are hoping for in our film as the audience should be asking lots of questions to encourage them to watch on and found out the plot. The scene goes on to show more fear in the womens face asnd as we found out later this was due to her being held at gun point by Bill a gunshot is then heard and from that the audience connote a shot to the head. Though this is hard to say and the audience because of this is puzzled as to whether or not she was actually shot as the shot quickly cuts to a black screen with "A Quentin Tarantino Film" written on it.

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