Friday 24 September 2010

Main Idea.

In our group we have chosen to go for the choice of creating a short film and our genre that we have all agreed on is a mockumentary. This would mean using traits of  a documentary such as voice overs and varied shots of the person being documented such as mid shots for interviewing and shots of people who don't want to be recognised of them in the dark. Montages of things that the person being documented about would do in their day to day life would be needed to reassure the viewer that what they are watching is of a documentary type of genre though, subconsciously almost, they will pick up on the humour of the topic and laugh at the seriousness of the mockumentary but only if all the traits and conventions are done well will the humour come through . This would also include imterviews between the interviewer who at the moment is going to be played by me and the boy who has the phobia of hands, and his family. As it is a mockumentary humour is essential but not jokes as such the humour we as a group are aiming for is more suttle and for the audience to pick up on the sheer stupidness of the phobia rather than making loads of jokes about how it affects his life.

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